
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

How to Design Your Life for More Business Magic

Mar 05, 2024

I have to be honest - I’m really tired of the way some business programs and coaches talk about growing your business. It makes it sound like you have to be grinding through your days, achieving certain outcomes no matter what is happening in your mind, body, and spirit.

But we all know it...

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If Finding Your Niche is Stressful, Do This Instead

Feb 27, 2024

If you’re tired of the word niche and you don’t want to think about niches because they feel overwhelming and confusing, even if you’re years into your coaching business, I get you. The good news is, that all you really need to make a ton of money as a coach is a core message.


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How to Articulate What You Do So You Get Registrations

Feb 20, 2024

So you have the general concept for your niche, but you can’t quite get the words figured out that really articulate it so that people sign up on a regular basis and your income moves to the next level. To fix this problem, you’ll need to get ridiculously clear on the problem you...

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When the House Flooded and the Dogs Barfed Everywhere, This is How I Ran My Business

Feb 13, 2024

In case you haven’t noticed, I have a serious beef with hustle culture. Mainly because it’s killing my favorite humans (heart-centered folks with lots of compassion and sensitivity) and making them feel bad about their very most magical traits. So, the best way to fix that is to...

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This Totally Sucked, Yet Saved My Life

Feb 06, 2024

A misconception many of my clients have about inner wisdom is that it will feel light and delightful to do whatever inner wisdom is telling you to do, and you’ll want to do it. This causes them to miss out on important inner wisdom-led action steps that can lead to the outcome they’re...

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The Attitude Adjustment We All Need Today

Jan 30, 2024

I shared a post on social media recently about shifting our attitudes as adults and focusing on the vision of what we really want.

This was perhaps the most responded-to post I’ve ever made!

Everyone was like, “I NEEDED this.”

Oopise! Have we accidentally been having...

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Make Marketing Feel Fun and Easy Instead of Icky

Jan 23, 2024

Sometimes heart-centered coaches tell me that they hate marketing because it’s not the fun part of having their own business - coaching is the fun part. However, there’s a way you can shift your marketing into an activity that feels exciting and fun, too, and actually serves you and...

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How Doing Less Equals More Money

Jan 16, 2024

Doing things allows us to feel productive and useful. The big payoff is that we feel like we are serving others and helping the world.

This is why doing can be a hard thing to “give up” when you’re a heart-centered person.

You love helping and serving others! You love feeling...

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I Give You Permission to Work Differently

Jan 09, 2024

The other day I was in a group call and a man in the program tossed out the opinion that my clients needed to grow up because they don’t want to hustle to grow their businesses. After I stopped seeing red, I explained to him that my clients aren’t afraid of hard work or hustle - they...

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It's Not Too Early to Create Your Signature Program

Jan 03, 2024

You might think it’s too soon to create a signature program for your business, but it’s actually the fastest way to bring in more income right now and, at the same time, set your business up to scale to higher levels of income without causing you stress or tons of effort.


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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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