
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

The Sneaky Trap the Catches Intuitive, Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

Jul 23, 2024

There is such a sneaky trap that I see intuitive, heart-centered entrepreneurs and coaches fall into, and I want to help you avoid it.

Here’s what I see happening. A coach takes time to get still and listen. And BAM! She gets an intuitive hit about a creative project. She’s all lit...

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Make More Money in Your Coaching Business by Slowing Down

Jul 16, 2024

What if your business is making money, so it feels like a huge risk to slow down and it’s hard to trust the world won’t fall apart? Well, you simply need a way to slow down that feels less risky and actually lets you get the important things done so that you can still make money - in...

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Adding New Programs and Classes is Fun, but Could Limit Your Income

Jul 09, 2024

Oopsy, here’s something heart-centered coaches do that severely limits their income and why focusing on creating content to share your work in the world solves this problem.

Often, heart-centered coaches (me included) are really creative and love hanging out in the creative process, coming...

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What to Do If You're Having Niche Confusion

Jul 02, 2024

During a recent Ask the Celtic Seer workshop, one of the participants was talking about having niche drama in her head and feeling confused about how to articulate her message and really know who she’s talking to in her content.

One of the reasons that happens is our nervous system...

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Don't Worry About "Getting it Right" With Coaching Clients

Jun 25, 2024

Coaches are sometimes really worried about getting their coaching tools “right” with a client, and here’s why that doesn’t actually matter and you can totally relax when you’re coaching.

The only tool you really need in order to be a kick-ass coach is your natural...

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What Your Body is Really Telling You About Your Business

Jun 18, 2024

What if you have all the passion for your business and you’re scaling up as we speak, but DANG it’s exhausting and your body is taking the hit. Mind-body healing tools can radically change this experience for the better AND bring you more cash.

It seems like everyone is talking about...

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How to Cultivate Your Abundance Mindset

Jun 11, 2024

Part of having an abundance mindset and attracting money, time freedom, and more well-being into your world is being willing to invest in yourself and your business.

And, an abundance mindset is THE KEY to having abundance.

It’s literally everything. If you are focused on abundance, you are...

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How My Intuitive Gift, the Celtic Seer, Works to Support Your Business

Jun 04, 2024

Something you might not know about my programs is I use my intuitive Celtic Seer gift to help you see your niche clearly and land dead-center in your calling so that it feels completely aligned for you AND you can articulate who you help, what you help them with, and the outcomes you provide with...

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Hustle Culture Makes us Sick - How to Leave it Behind

May 28, 2024

You might not realize that you’re having to overcome hustle culture every single day - not just in your business, but in everyday life - and the subtle social pressure to function the way hustle culture says you should is hiding in most daily interactions, often making you feel physically...

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Emotions are the Key to Healing and Manifesting (how to overcome the bias against feeling them!)

May 21, 2024

Let’s talk about feeling emotions and why this is the #1 mind-body practice you need for yourself and your clients if you want to create physical and emotional well-being, connection to inner wisdom, and powerful manifesting. 

I completely disagree with many self-help practices around...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

Make $5K plus months as a coach without sacrificing your health, joy, or spiritual well-being to get there. 

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