
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

You Really Don't Have to Do That Task Right Now (and Here's Why)

Aug 21, 2023

I follow a lot of business coaches, and when I see suggestions like “take massive action this week,” I always feel my stomach clench. It’s never a good idea to pressure ourselves to take massive action if our bodies and spirits aren’t feeling it.

When I say this, people...

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Why Successful Coaches Are Using Their Intuition

Aug 07, 2023

Here’s why your intuition is the most important part of any business growth plan and why trusting it is essential if you want to manifest more clients and make a living as a coach.

I’ve noticed something about heart-centered coaches who are making a good living from their businesses...

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How to Market Your Coaching Business To Make a Living Without Overworking

Jun 29, 2023

How we teach our clients to do their marketing so they can get enough clients to make a living, yet don't harm their bodies from overworking.

As a coach, you want to make a living doing what you love, and of course, you want to feel great so you can show up for your clients.

Overworking is so...

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4 Steps to Handle No-Fun Moments (also known as discomfort)

Feb 09, 2021

I was driving, grumbling at traffic, when I heard extreme screaming from the backseat. 

Being a mom, I took this pretty much in stride and only almost rear-ended the car in front of me instead of actually crashing. 

Luckily, nobody was being murdered; my daughter had just spilled a...

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Why I Didnā€™t Organize My Office

Sep 22, 2019

For months on end, my office looked like it had been attacked by a vivacious crew of toddlers bent on playing with every item in the room. 

Papers blanketed my desk, keyboard, and floor. Books had toppled from neat stacks into piles of flotsam on the carpeted shores by the doorway. 


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How to transition like a two-year-old and transform your life

Aug 13, 2019

Before I became a parent, I imagined doing things like feeding my child or tucking her in at night. I could envision putting a yummy dinner on the table, enjoying time together, and then easily moving on to a nice bath and snuggle. 

I really had no idea that such a simple thing as switching...

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30 Days of Sacred Dreaming

Sep 30, 2018

A few weeks ago, I planned something incredibly restorative for myself for the month of October. I’m calling it Sacred Dreaming.

Then I thought; why do this by myself? I know many like-minded souls who are fascinated by mind-body magic, want to connect to their intuition and...

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Becoming Transparent, Authentic and Open

Jun 10, 2018

by Endorsed Mind-Body CoachMara Wai

From the very beginning, our learning and development is a dynamic process that unfolds naturally as we interact with our world. We learn from our parents or primary caregivers and from others in our environment. We learn what the norms are from...

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Shedding the Should

Jan 10, 2018

By Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Elaine Jeffy

As we enter a new calendar year we often spend time reflecting on the old year and setting goals for the new one.  The voice in our heads is frequently judgmental and critical making it especially important for us to recognize that thoughts...

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The Homeopath and the Healer

Sep 30, 2015

By Endorsed Mind-Body Coach Gail Kenny

It was the late 1980s, I was 28 years old, and I already had an eight year history with chronic pelvic pain.  My symptoms included persistent pain in my lower right abdomen, chronic vaginal soreness, and urinary urgency.  I was...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

Make $5K plus months as a coach without sacrificing your health, joy, or spiritual well-being to get there. 

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