
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

How to Cultivate Your Abundance Mindset

Jun 11, 2024

Part of having an abundance mindset and attracting money, time freedom, and more well-being into your world is being willing to invest in yourself and your business.

And, an abundance mindset is THE KEY to having abundance.

It’s literally everything. If you are focused on abundance, you are...

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You Can Still Manifest, Even When You're Feeling Like Crap

Apr 23, 2024

A question I often get from clients is, “What if I feel emotionally low right now, but I want to manifest clients, income, or something else? Won’t my vibration be off if I’m not feeling positive emotions?”

Luckily, the answer is no, you won’t be messing up your...

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When Money Fear Strikes, Do This

Nov 21, 2023

Let’s talk about money for a second. Do you ever get money guilt or money fear? The quickest way out of that is to tune into your inner wisdom and find out what you need.

What do I mean by that?

Let me explain.

First of all, money is awesome. It allows you to serve others the way you really...

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How to Find the Magic Even if it Feels Hard or Scary

Jul 13, 2023

There’s a question you can ask to help your manifesting stay on track even during difficult moments that don’t feel aligned or like what you were hoping to manifest.

That question is: “What is the magic here?”

The other day my Golden Retriever got terribly sick and was...

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Does Your Money Fear Feel Really Valid?

Apr 27, 2023

The key to staying on your money manifesting path even when money fears crop up, and circumstances seem to indicate that you SHOULD feel fear, is having a solid, reliable manifesting process that you know shifts you out of fear and into flow.

This way, you can feel confident that you’ll be...

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The Reason It's Not Manifesting (and it's not what you think)

Mar 13, 2023

We all know that if you want to manifest something, you start by deciding what you want and setting an intention; but, what if what you want isn’t what you think you want? This subconscious issue is often the reason what you want isn’t manifesting.

For example, when I was really...

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Make Manifesting Easier with Mind-Body Practices

Mar 09, 2023

The hardest part of manifesting is that darn allowing and letting go, right? We have to somehow let go of the strong desire for a particular outcome in order to allow it to come to us, and yet that often feels flipping impossible to do.

I have two killer practices for this that can make it so...

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Is it Magic or Just Your Mind-Body Connection?

Jul 20, 2021

My favorite present came from my aunt when I was nine. It was a magic wand.

She sewed a big purple star, decorated it with sparkly sequins, attached it to a metal stick, and added a purple ribbon. 

I made a lot of magic with that thing. 

When I was a kid, the world was alive with the...

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Why Putting Things Off is Often a Genius Move

Aug 25, 2019

I have to tell you my favorite thing about Slacker Magic.

Sometimes, if I wait to do something that just feels too hard/heavy right now, serious magic happens. 

I’ve berated myself so many times for being behind on a task (even as I push it to the next day, over and over again). 

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How to Make a Magical and Easy Vision Board

Jan 13, 2019

In 2008, I made a kick-ass vision board. It had all the fancy trimmings; beautiful pictures cut from magazines, crafty decorative doo-dads, intentions and positive words, and even a check written to myself for the monthly amount I wanted to make as my new coaching business grew.

I spent a...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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