
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

What to Do If You're Having Niche Confusion

Jul 02, 2024

During a recent Ask the Celtic Seer workshop, one of the participants was talking about having niche drama in her head and feeling confused about how to articulate her message and really know who she’s talking to in her content.

One of the reasons that happens is our nervous system...

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How My Intuitive Gift, the Celtic Seer, Works to Support Your Business

Jun 04, 2024

Something you might not know about my programs is I use my intuitive Celtic Seer gift to help you see your niche clearly and land dead-center in your calling so that it feels completely aligned for you AND you can articulate who you help, what you help them with, and the outcomes you provide with...

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If Finding Your Niche is Stressful, Do This Instead

Feb 27, 2024

If you’re tired of the word niche and you don’t want to think about niches because they feel overwhelming and confusing, even if you’re years into your coaching business, I get you. The good news is, that all you really need to make a ton of money as a coach is a core message.


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How to Articulate What You Do So You Get Registrations

Feb 20, 2024

So you have the general concept for your niche, but you can’t quite get the words figured out that really articulate it so that people sign up on a regular basis and your income moves to the next level. To fix this problem, you’ll need to get ridiculously clear on the problem you...

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It's Not Too Early to Create Your Signature Program

Jan 03, 2024

You might think it’s too soon to create a signature program for your business, but it’s actually the fastest way to bring in more income right now and, at the same time, set your business up to scale to higher levels of income without causing you stress or tons of effort.


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Why Niching Doesnā€™t Have to Feel Restrictive

Nov 14, 2023

If you’ve ever worried about narrowing down your niche because it feels so restrictive and rigid for your heart-centered nature, the exciting news is that your niche is actually just your calling!

Your calling - that deep, spiritual pull to support others - has brought you here to this...

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Improve Your Messaging to Get More Clients

Oct 31, 2023

If you feel like you’ve done a lot of work to figure out your niche and are putting out consistent messaging but not seeing the client sign-ups you want, it’s time to go back and tighten your niche and how you articulate it.

Figuring out how to talk about your work in a way that...

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When You Haven't Coached Enough People to Niche Down

Oct 03, 2023

Do you ever worry that you can’t figure out your niche because you haven’t coached a lot of people yet? Well, the great news is that you can totally have a starter niche that gets your business rolling and sets you up to evolve over time.

It’s true - it can be hard to know what...

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Celtic Seer in the House to Help You Articulate Your Niche!

Jun 12, 2023

I’ve noticed that one of the places heart-centered coaches struggle the most when it comes to attracting enough clients (and the clients who are a great fit) is articulating who they can help and what the outcome will be from their coaching services.

Unfortunately, this is literally the one...

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How to Choose a Niche When You Have a Lot of Interests

Feb 27, 2023

Even if you have a lot of interests and want to help clients with a lot of different issues, you can still have a clear coaching niche. Even if you’ve been trying to figure out your niche to no avail, it can be quickly sorted out because you don’t have to leave behind the topics you...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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