
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

Adding New Programs and Classes is Fun, but Could Limit Your Income

Jul 09, 2024

Oopsy, here’s something heart-centered coaches do that severely limits their income and why focusing on creating content to share your work in the world solves this problem.

Often, heart-centered coaches (me included) are really creative and love hanging out in the creative process, coming...

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It's Not Too Early to Create Your Signature Program

Jan 03, 2024

You might think it’s too soon to create a signature program for your business, but it’s actually the fastest way to bring in more income right now and, at the same time, set your business up to scale to higher levels of income without causing you stress or tons of effort.


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How to Attract a High-Quality Audience to Purchase Your Program

Dec 19, 2023

If you want to attract a high-quality audience of followers - a large enough email list and social following of people who actually want to purchase a program from you - you can’t just use any old system from a traditional business coach, no matter how much hype there is around it.

You need...

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When You Haven't Coached Enough People to Niche Down

Oct 03, 2023

Do you ever worry that you can’t figure out your niche because you haven’t coached a lot of people yet? Well, the great news is that you can totally have a starter niche that gets your business rolling and sets you up to evolve over time.

It’s true - it can be hard to know what...

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How to Get Clients Before You Even Create Your Program

Aug 17, 2023

One little-known fact about my work with clients is that even though it seems like it’s about creating clear messaging that attracts clients into a signature program, it’s actually about manifesting clients energetically above all else - as if by magic.

In fact, one of the coolest...

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The #1 Reason People Don't Sign Up for Your Program

Jun 15, 2023

If you’re a heart-centered coach, the #1 reason why people don’t sign up for your program is that they don’t know what problem it’s solving.

For example, I often see programs that are described or titled something like, “Living Joyfully” or “Thriving in...

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Why Coaches are Scared to Launch a Program

May 11, 2023

The #1 reason why heart-centered coaches don't launch an official program - even though they know that would grow their income and client base - is that they don't feel confident they can deliver it and give clients specific results.

They worry that they will be out of integrity because...

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Your Program Name is Key to Getting Clients

May 04, 2023

One reason why you may be struggling to get regular income and clients is that your program name doesn’t tell potential clients what the program is actually about or what you actually do in the program.

So, it doesn't catch their eye when you talk about it in posts or emails.

Now, I know...

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Why Experimentation is Key to Manifesting Clients

Apr 17, 2023

One of the most important things you can do to attract clients into your program is to stay in an experimentation mindset when you’re creating, testing, launching, and running your program.

I’m going to show you exactly what happens when you stay in the experimentation mindset, and...

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3 Common Myths about Signature Programs

Apr 14, 2023

During a recent workshop, someone asked about shifting from a 1-1 client model to a signature program model, and I realized that there are some important misconceptions about creating a signature program that often hold heart-centered coaches back from making more income with less effort.


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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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