
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

The Sneaky Trap the Catches Intuitive, Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

Jul 23, 2024

There is such a sneaky trap that I see intuitive, heart-centered entrepreneurs and coaches fall into, and I want to help you avoid it.

Here’s what I see happening. A coach takes time to get still and listen. And BAM! She gets an intuitive hit about a creative project. She’s all lit...

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Was Something Missing from Your Last Coach Training?

Mar 26, 2024

If you took a coach training or therapy program that left you feeling like something was missing, it was likely missing mind-body attunement techniques.

Most coaching and therapy techniques are what we call “top down techniques,” which means that they focus on the conscious mind and...

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This Totally Sucked, Yet Saved My Life

Feb 06, 2024

A misconception many of my clients have about inner wisdom is that it will feel light and delightful to do whatever inner wisdom is telling you to do, and you’ll want to do it. This causes them to miss out on important inner wisdom-led action steps that can lead to the outcome they’re...

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I Give You Permission to Work Differently

Jan 09, 2024

The other day I was in a group call and a man in the program tossed out the opinion that my clients needed to grow up because they don’t want to hustle to grow their businesses. After I stopped seeing red, I explained to him that my clients aren’t afraid of hard work or hustle - they...

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How to Get Out of Your Funk and Back Into Your Manifesting Vibe

Jun 08, 2023

Ever feel like you’re in a funk - like you feel disconnected from your inner wisdom, you’re not in a manifesting vibe, you’re feeling low, and even though you know of a million self-care practices that could help, you can’t seem to do them?

This can be because your...

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When Your Perfectionism Pops Up Literally Everywhere

May 22, 2023

The big problem with perfectionism and self-pressure is that it can sneak into everything you’re doing. EVERYTHING. And the only antidote is a profoundly trusting relationship with your inner wisdom.

For example, have you ever pressured yourself to do a better job relaxing on your day off?

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How I Increased My Income By $50K Year-Over-Year Without Ads

Apr 24, 2023

Let’s talk about how I’ve added $50K to my income every year for the last three years without paid advertising and why experimentation is the key to this kind of reliable growth.

Several years ago, I decided it was time to scale my business from its reliable $150K per year set point...

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Skeptical About Mind-Body Stuff?

Mar 16, 2023

Many years ago, Nikki was interested in my Mind-Body Magic Life Coach Training & Certification Program, but when we spoke on the phone, she told me she was really skeptical about all this mind-body stuff. I’ve heard that from other people, too - can mind-body work really relieve pain?...

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How to Create Your Unique Business Framework

Jan 23, 2023

The biggest mistake heart-centered coaches make when developing a program in their business is focusing too much on all the methods they’ve learned from other people and not giving themselves credit for their own experiential and intuitive knowledge.

This experiential and intuitive...

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Is it Magic or Just Your Mind-Body Connection?

Jul 20, 2021

My favorite present came from my aunt when I was nine. It was a magic wand.

She sewed a big purple star, decorated it with sparkly sequins, attached it to a metal stick, and added a purple ribbon. 

I made a lot of magic with that thing. 

When I was a kid, the world was alive with the...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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