Mind-Body Magic Coach Directory

Looking for a mind-body coach? Find your perfect match here! Click on the photo to contact them.

Specializes In: Helping people release fear & anxiety, cultivate inner gentleness & compassion and connect with the Higher Self. Spiritual mentorship, grounding, embodied spirituality.

Specializes In: Bag Of Rocks Syndrome, Letting Go, Stress And Self-Pressure Relief, And Stepping Out Of The Mold So You Can Find And Embrace Your Individual Awesomeness

Specializes In: Making Peace With Food And Your Body

Specializes In: Satya (Truth) through mind-body inquiry. Your truth can set you free.

Specializes in: Awakening from chronic fatigue, pain, anxiety and other stress-related symptoms. Recovering your wellbeing and spirit

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Conquering Fear, Anxiety And Self-Esteem Or Adult Children Of Dysfunction

Specializes In: Fibromyalgia And Chronic Pain Relief; Wellness Balancing

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Transformation; Wellness; Stress Relief; Inner Wisdom; and Self-Trust

Specializes In: Promoting Health, Vitality, And Connection To Self. Helping Clients Who Feel Stuck, Stressed, Or In Pain Release What’s No Longer Serving Them.

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Somatic Healing & Clarity Coaching In Relationships, Career And Health

Specializes In: Pain Relief – Chronic Back And Neck & Fibromyalgia, Stress And Anxiety Relief

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Supporting Clients To Transform Consciousness And Energy For Healing, Growth And Self-Transformation.

Specializes In: Hearing And Trusting Inner Wisdom And Higher Self. Midlife Transitions

Specializes In: Symptom Relief And Ending Good Girl Syndrome

Specializes In: Mind-Body Coaching with Energy Healing/ Women with ADHD or ADHD tendencies/ Writers Desiring Increased Inner Wisdom, Flow and Commitment/ Women who want Compassionate Support for Next Steps Magical Action/ and Moms of ADHD/Dyslexic Kids

Specializes In: Supporting empaths—including coaches, healers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs—on their journey of moving beyond the overwhelm and exhaustion, so they can know the power they hold to create the life they want to live and make a difference.

Specializes In: Health And Symptom Relief

Specializes In: Redirecting Care And Energy Into Oneself; Particularly For The Person Who Puts Their Own Needs Last. Transforming Illness And Adversity Into Empowerment

Specializes In: Healing your relationship with money, marketing and your mental health

Specializes In: Spiritual Life Coaching, Physical And Emotional Pain Relief, Law Of Attraction And Manifesting Principles, Self-Love, Relationships, And Anxiety Relief

Specializes In: Helping high-achieving women recover from chronic fatigue and lead a meaningful and rewarding life

Specializes In: Weight Loss

Specializes In: Mind-Body Coaching & Functional Nutrition For Chronic Pain And Illness

Specializes In: Physical and emotional pain relief — helping you tune into and understand the unique language of your body and emotions, to use as your primary guide toward wholeness and wellbeing

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Chronic pain and health issues, life transitions, and grief and loss

Specializes In: Relief for stress, pain, loss, grief and life transitions to new phases of life

Specializes In: Helping You Live Pain Free. I Help You Move Forward; Find And Release The Interference Within Mind And Body That Keeps You Stuck From Living The Life You Want Now

Specializes In: Children, Adolescents, And Adults With Anxiety And/Or Chronic Pain

Specializes In: Healing Chronic Health Issues And Relationships

Specializes In: Stress Management And Wisdom Sessions For In-Demand High Achieving Women

Specializes In: Stress, Anxiety And Pain Relief. Life Transitions And Learning To Hear Your Inner Wisdom.

Specializes In: Weight Loss And Wellness

Specializes In: Specializes in authentic and aligned copy and content for coaches. Manifestation and mind-body coaching for ease, flow and fun in your coaching practice.

Specializes In: Finding flow as an entrepreneur and/or parent and navigating finances

Specializes In: Mind-body parenting, connecting with and living by your inner wisdom, & believing in You! 

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Helping responsible, hardworking people who are feeling stuck and trapped in a work situation move into a new place where they get to feel rested, aligned with their work, true to themselves, and healthier so they can enjoy life both in and out of the office.

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Using a combination of energy work, body-centered coaching, and connecting them with Beings of Unconditional Love, I support helpers in learning to trust and to receive Divine assistance and Divine guidance.

Specializes In: Helping parents of teenagers & young adults use mind body tools to love parenting as much as they love their kids.

Specializes In: Mind Body Coaching for creative, tender hearted souls and entrepreneurs to help reduce anxiety, pain syndromes, (TMS) and feeling stuck. I help you gain clarity, connect to your inner wisdom and create more joy and ease in your life.

Specializes In: Helping others connect with their bodies, gifts and talents, and inner wisdom.

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Recovery & ADHD. Come find me if you're tired of how our culture misunderstands the gifts of recovery, our ADHD and/or intuitive skills. Life doesn't come with an instruction manual. Luckily, I wrote one.

Specializes In: Emotional injury recovery. I'm your girl if you're tired of being controlled by anxiety and overwhelm that have you reacting in ways that don't align with the sovereign woman you want to be. Stop spiraling in shame and reclaim your calm emotional center, so you can navigate day-to-day realities with confidence and at ease!

Master Mind-Body Coach

Specializes In: Navigating life losses. Connecting to your Inner Wisdom. TMS & Living with a magic body.