
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

The Sneaky Trap the Catches Intuitive, Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

Jul 23, 2024

There is such a sneaky trap that I see intuitive, heart-centered entrepreneurs and coaches fall into, and I want to help you avoid it.

Here’s what I see happening. A coach takes time to get still and listen. And BAM! She gets an intuitive hit about a creative project. She’s all lit...

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What Your Body is Really Telling You About Your Business

Jun 18, 2024

What if you have all the passion for your business and you’re scaling up as we speak, but DANG it’s exhausting and your body is taking the hit. Mind-body healing tools can radically change this experience for the better AND bring you more cash.

It seems like everyone is talking about...

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When Traditional Marketing Doesn't Feel Aligned, What Do You Do?

May 01, 2024

For a lot of heart-centered coaches, it feels like a slog to try to get to $5K or more months (consistently) because we just aren’t up for doing the things that traditional marketing and business coaches tell us to do.

This pretty much sucks, because we’re called to coach, we love it,...

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Your Opt-In or Lead Magnet Isn't Working... Here's Why

Apr 16, 2024

An opt-in offer is not necessary for you to create a program and make the first $2,000 or more in sales from it.

Not only is it not necessary, but it could also bring you the wrong people - who wouldn’t even be interested in the kind of support that you’re selling.

One time I created...

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The Fastest Way to Grow Your Business While Also Dealing With Life

Apr 09, 2024

If life is feeling hectic and you’re scared that you can’t run a thriving business or scale it up while you’re parenting kiddos, managing school schedules, and juggling what life is throwing your way, there’s a technique that I teach my clients that will save the day...

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How to Design Your Life for More Business Magic

Mar 05, 2024

I have to be honest - I’m really tired of the way some business programs and coaches talk about growing your business. It makes it sound like you have to be grinding through your days, achieving certain outcomes no matter what is happening in your mind, body, and spirit.

But we all know it...

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The Attitude Adjustment We All Need Today

Jan 30, 2024

I shared a post on social media recently about shifting our attitudes as adults and focusing on the vision of what we really want.

This was perhaps the most responded-to post I’ve ever made!

Everyone was like, “I NEEDED this.”

Oopise! Have we accidentally been having...

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I Give You Permission to Work Differently

Jan 09, 2024

The other day I was in a group call and a man in the program tossed out the opinion that my clients needed to grow up because they don’t want to hustle to grow their businesses. After I stopped seeing red, I explained to him that my clients aren’t afraid of hard work or hustle - they...

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Why Niching Doesnā€™t Have to Feel Restrictive

Nov 14, 2023

If you’ve ever worried about narrowing down your niche because it feels so restrictive and rigid for your heart-centered nature, the exciting news is that your niche is actually just your calling!

Your calling - that deep, spiritual pull to support others - has brought you here to this...

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If You Want Your Business to Thrive Quickly, Don't Do This Please

Oct 25, 2023

I’ve never been known for my patience, so I’m a little biased. But, here’s the reality. The faster you get the support you need to grow your business and get out of pushing yourself and into a way of working that supports your body and spirit, the faster you’ll manifest...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

Make $5K plus months as a coach without sacrificing your health, joy, or spiritual well-being to get there. 

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