
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

Don't Worry About "Getting it Right" With Coaching Clients

Jun 25, 2024

Coaches are sometimes really worried about getting their coaching tools “right” with a client, and here’s why that doesn’t actually matter and you can totally relax when you’re coaching.

The only tool you really need in order to be a kick-ass coach is your natural...

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The Attitude Adjustment We All Need Today

Jan 30, 2024

I shared a post on social media recently about shifting our attitudes as adults and focusing on the vision of what we really want.

This was perhaps the most responded-to post I’ve ever made!

Everyone was like, “I NEEDED this.”

Oopise! Have we accidentally been having...

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Tired of Taking On Other Peoples' Energy and Struggling with Boundaries?

Dec 05, 2023

Recently I was talking with a woman who was registering for my group program and she said, “I’m just tired of the world of pressure and performance. My adrenals can’t take it. I’m also an empath and I’m taking on others’ energy when I really don’t want...

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Dealing with Self-Sabotage in Life and Business

Aug 14, 2023

Has someone ever told you that you’re “self-sabotaging,” but when you tried to shift the pattern, you felt stuck? That’s because you’re not actually sabotaging yourself at all! Working with the part of you that’s “sabotaging” as if it’s there...

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How to Get Out of Your Funk and Back Into Your Manifesting Vibe

Jun 08, 2023

Ever feel like you’re in a funk - like you feel disconnected from your inner wisdom, you’re not in a manifesting vibe, you’re feeling low, and even though you know of a million self-care practices that could help, you can’t seem to do them?

This can be because your...

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How to Boost Your Confidence as a Heart-Centered Coach

Jan 26, 2023

As a heart-centered coach, your work is tender, like a freshly written novel or work of art. The work we do as coaches is creative, straight from our hearts, and connected to our spirit.

That’s why it feels so scary to put our work into the world sometimes! We’re working in our...

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A Common Issue that Blocks Client Attraction and Income

Jan 17, 2023

The number one issue that blocks client attraction and therefore income is that nasty little voice in your head telling you scary, pressure-filled things like how much you should be working, why you aren’t good enough, what you should be doing instead of what you are doing, and a myriad of...

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Inner Wisdom or Inner Critic?

May 10, 2021

You’re sitting in your office, staring at a blank screen, and waiting for the muse to hit. You’re hoping for some brilliant blog copy, a fun social media post, or a stellar program idea to miraculously appear in your consciousness. 

On those days when the magic isn’t...

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4 Steps to Handle No-Fun Moments (also known as discomfort)

Feb 09, 2021

I was driving, grumbling at traffic, when I heard extreme screaming from the backseat. 

Being a mom, I took this pretty much in stride and only almost rear-ended the car in front of me instead of actually crashing. 

Luckily, nobody was being murdered; my daughter had just spilled a...

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Slacker Magic

Jan 28, 2021

In writing this post, I’m pretty sure I’m letting everyone in on a secret. Though I seem somewhat conventional on the outside, I’m really not. I’ve been called responsible and a goody-two-shoes, and I’ll own a little of that. However, my heart is most rebellious....

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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