
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

Make More Money in Your Coaching Business by Slowing Down

Jul 16, 2024

What if your business is making money, so it feels like a huge risk to slow down and it’s hard to trust the world won’t fall apart? Well, you simply need a way to slow down that feels less risky and actually lets you get the important things done so that you can still make money - in...

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What to Do If You're Having Niche Confusion

Jul 02, 2024

During a recent Ask the Celtic Seer workshop, one of the participants was talking about having niche drama in her head and feeling confused about how to articulate her message and really know who she’s talking to in her content.

One of the reasons that happens is our nervous system...

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Hustle Culture Makes us Sick - How to Leave it Behind

May 28, 2024

You might not realize that you’re having to overcome hustle culture every single day - not just in your business, but in everyday life - and the subtle social pressure to function the way hustle culture says you should is hiding in most daily interactions, often making you feel physically...

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The Fastest Way to Grow Your Business While Also Dealing With Life

Apr 09, 2024

If life is feeling hectic and you’re scared that you can’t run a thriving business or scale it up while you’re parenting kiddos, managing school schedules, and juggling what life is throwing your way, there’s a technique that I teach my clients that will save the day...

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How to Design Your Life for More Business Magic

Mar 05, 2024

I have to be honest - I’m really tired of the way some business programs and coaches talk about growing your business. It makes it sound like you have to be grinding through your days, achieving certain outcomes no matter what is happening in your mind, body, and spirit.

But we all know it...

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When the House Flooded and the Dogs Barfed Everywhere, This is How I Ran My Business

Feb 13, 2024

In case you haven’t noticed, I have a serious beef with hustle culture. Mainly because it’s killing my favorite humans (heart-centered folks with lots of compassion and sensitivity) and making them feel bad about their very most magical traits. So, the best way to fix that is to...

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How Doing Less Equals More Money

Jan 16, 2024

Doing things allows us to feel productive and useful. The big payoff is that we feel like we are serving others and helping the world.

This is why doing can be a hard thing to “give up” when you’re a heart-centered person.

You love helping and serving others! You love feeling...

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How to Slow Down this Winter Break and Still Have a Thriving Business

Dec 12, 2023

So, it’s almost winter break, and everyone is talking about decorating cookies, buying presents, scheduling family time, and sipping hot chocolate with their kids while watching a Christmas movie.

Except - sometimes winter break and the holidays in general really...

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How to De-Ick Marketing and Turn it into a Spiritual Connection with Your Favorite People

Oct 17, 2023

If marketing hasn’t always felt super fun to you because it’s not always aligned with your heart-centered nature, the fix for that is to align your marketing with what you love to do.

Forget whatever you’ve been told that doesn’t feel right to you. We’re all unique,...

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Make Money While Laying Down... and Why That Works

Sep 26, 2023

If you want to make a certain level of income in your business and your natural way of working has been to push yourself too hard, your body is your biggest ally when it comes to shifting into working differently while still creating the income you desire.

If you’ve noticed your body mostly...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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