
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

Emotions are the Key to Healing and Manifesting (how to overcome the bias against feeling them!)

May 21, 2024

Let’s talk about feeling emotions and why this is the #1 mind-body practice you need for yourself and your clients if you want to create physical and emotional well-being, connection to inner wisdom, and powerful manifesting. 

I completely disagree with many self-help practices around...

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Discovering My Own Spiritual Support System

Mar 12, 2024

When I was in chronic, debilitating pain in my twenties, I looked to science for healing until I discovered that I had spiritual allies who could make everything faster and easier.

Don’t get me wrong; nervous system science, mind-body science, and psychological healing were all really...

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Quick Pain and Stress Relief for Coaches

Dec 27, 2023

If you or your clients ever experience a lot of tension, stress, or pain, it can be alleviated with a tool I call “Safe Spaces.”

Probably the worst part of feeling super stressed or in pain is the fear around the sensations you’re experiencing in those moments.

It feels scary to...

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Why Nervous System Regulation is Important (but perfection is not)

Nov 07, 2023

One big misconception about nervous system work that holds people back from healing physical symptoms and releasing anxiety and stress is the idea that your nervous system should be regulated all the time, and if it’s not, you’re doing something wrong.

Once we find out about nervous...

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How I Manifested the Impossible

Sep 22, 2023

Eleven years ago, I did something wild. I had a baby.

It seems like a normal thing to do, but for me it was wild because I’d spent many years in pelvic pain in my teens and twenties, living with excruciating symptoms. Even though I had been out of pain for over ten years by the time I got...

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The Embarrassing Doctor Visit that Led me to Mind-Body Healing

Jul 17, 2023

I once had to see a urologist for a pelvic issue, and when the nurse left me in the exam room, she handed me a little napkin-type cover-up.

I’m used to those from the gynecologist’s office, so I promptly undressed and got on the table. Then I spread the napkin out to cover up my lower...

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What They Don't Tell You About Healing Stress-Induced Illnesses

May 25, 2023

When you’re working through a physical pain syndrome that’s stress-induced (often called TMS or MBS), you need four different approaches at once to make the healing process as efficient as possible: emotional healing, a mind-body mindset, nervous system regulation, and inner wisdom...

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When the Struggle Feels Chronic or Hard

May 01, 2023

Something I’ve noticed for myself and my clients is when we have physical pain that crops up out of nowhere or an emotional struggle that feels difficult to resolve, there’s an underlying need that we have that isn’t being met.

This sounds sort of obvious when you read it like...

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Why These Manifesting Tools Won't Work for Healing

Mar 02, 2023

To help someone manifest healing through mind-body coaching, you can’t just use traditional manifesting practices with them. Instead, you have to know exactly how to work with the mind loops they are stuck in because those are keeping them from manifesting health.

Health mind-loops are the...

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Sick of Shaman Sickness? Here's What To Do

Feb 06, 2023

Have you heard of Shaman Sickness?

If so, you’re probably super freaking annoyed by it, because you have it, lol. Me too. Solidarity!

However, there is hope for those of us with Shaman Sickness! When I first read about it, the gist of it was that if you’re meant to be a healer/shaman...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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