Sick of Shaman Sickness? Here's What To Do
Feb 06, 2023
Have you heard of Shaman Sickness?
If so, you’re probably super freaking annoyed by it, because you have it, lol. Me too. Solidarity!
However, there is hope for those of us with Shaman Sickness! When I first read about it, the gist of it was that if you’re meant to be a healer/shaman in the traditional sense, your body undergoes a natural process of illness for a couple of reasons:
- To help you cultivate the compassion and awareness you’ll need as a healer (and experience…the worse you’ve felt, the easier it is to handle hard things your clients are facing).
- To steer you onto the Shaman path and let you know this is your calling.
In the past, kids with frequent illnesses were deemed clearly destined for the shaman path and that’s how the Shamans knew who to take under their wing and train.
Now, we don’t really have that tradition built into our Western culture, so those of us who would have been called to be shamans are flailing about with no one guiding us onto the path. (It’s as fun as it sounds, right?!)
Here’s something cool, though, that you might NOT know about Shaman Sickness.
We can work with it to temper the intensity and make it less likely to torture us with some new physical malady no one has ever heard of (can’t tell you how many doctors I’ve stumped!).
Before I ever heard of Shaman Sickness, I was working with my random chronic pain syndromes and illnesses as what we call TMS, or Mind-Body Syndrome. This process includes working with a clear practice of re-connecting our mental and spiritual awareness to the body after many years of dissociation and disconnection from the body. This disconnect happens to us as kids when we’re handling highly stressful or traumatic events without the kind of guidance a shamanic teacher would provide.
When we’re healing a mind-body syndrome, we work with feeling emotions instead of suppressing them (which, by the way, is always necessary, no matter how much we THINK we’re feeling our emotions, so it’s incredibly powerful for reducing pain). This helps the body release stored emotional energy, which otherwise turns into tension, pain, and illness.
We also work with healing nervous system dysregulation, which most of us have just learned to live with and aren’t aware of the daily struggle our nervous systems are facing. When our nervous systems are set on high alert from early childhood trauma, we’re burning fuel in our hormonal systems in a way that really beats up our bodies. It’s like driving a car with one foot on the gas pedal, flooring it, and the other on the brake. (Yes, YIKES.)
When you’re a spiritual, healer-type human, you can totally float above all of those physical energies happening in your body and merrily hang with the spiritual world while you’re supporting your clients with your incredible work. While this feels lovely and is great for our psychic and “woo” abilities and our connection to spirit, our bodies get left in the dust. (I don’t think I connected with my body fully until I was in my 20’s, and I still have to work on it daily!)
This is why a solid mind-body-spirit healing process can really revolutionize your Shaman Sickness struggles and change your experience of living as a healer/coach type person in a magical body. When you learn how to bring the power of your spiritual connection INTO your body, your body gets very, very happy!
We don’t really need to live with the Shaman Sickness body signals ALL the time in order to fulfill our destiny as a coach, healer, or spiritual guide. While I do think our bodies are designed to be extremely sensitive instruments so that we can do our work well, we can support those bodies with high-end care!
I am a violinist, so I think of my body as a Stradivarius violin (world-famous, worth millions). I take care of it like the Smithsonian crew takes care of the Strads in their museum!
Combining the concepts of TMS and Shaman Sickness gives you a really holistic picture of what’s going on in your mind-body-spirit system. I’ve created a method to treat your body like a Strad called the Mind-Body Magic Method. It will give you every tool and practice you need to feel better in your body and support your clients who also want to feel better in theirs! These tools work for muggles and magicians alike because we all have bodies.
I show you exactly how to use these tools for yourself and your clients. My live classes dive into your specific situation and what you need personally for your mind-body-spirit and for your coaching practice. This allows me to be really flexible with the practices in the Mind-Body Magic Method, which is necessary because we’re all unique and we need to tailor the tools to who we are in order for them to be effective.