
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

Emotions are the Key to Healing and Manifesting (how to overcome the bias against feeling them!)

May 21, 2024

Let’s talk about feeling emotions and why this is the #1 mind-body practice you need for yourself and your clients if you want to create physical and emotional well-being, connection to inner wisdom, and powerful manifesting. 

I completely disagree with many self-help practices around...

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Quick Pain and Stress Relief for Coaches

Dec 27, 2023

If you or your clients ever experience a lot of tension, stress, or pain, it can be alleviated with a tool I call “Safe Spaces.”

Probably the worst part of feeling super stressed or in pain is the fear around the sensations you’re experiencing in those moments.

It feels scary to...

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How I Manifested the Impossible

Sep 22, 2023

Eleven years ago, I did something wild. I had a baby.

It seems like a normal thing to do, but for me it was wild because I’d spent many years in pelvic pain in my teens and twenties, living with excruciating symptoms. Even though I had been out of pain for over ten years by the time I got...

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This Seems Backwards, but it's the Key to Healing

Jul 27, 2023

Are you accidentally pressuring yourself to do a good job healing and then feeling bad about yourself? Maybe you have a stress-induced illness, anxiety, TMS/MBS, or a chronic illness and you know that you can help your flares with certain healing practices.

And yet, you don’t do these...

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How to Shift Out of Anxiety for You and Your Coaching Clients

Jul 06, 2023

If you (and/or your clients) frequently experience a lot of anxiety, this can be shifted by using what I call the “What am I Feeling Now Tool.”

This is quite different from using breathwork or deep breathing to calm anxiety.

In this post I'll explain what this tool is about and why it...

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What They Don't Tell You About Healing Stress-Induced Illnesses

May 25, 2023

When you’re working through a physical pain syndrome that’s stress-induced (often called TMS or MBS), you need four different approaches at once to make the healing process as efficient as possible: emotional healing, a mind-body mindset, nervous system regulation, and inner wisdom...

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Help for Pelvic Pain & Other Stress-Induced Illnesses

Feb 09, 2022

If you’ve found me through the mysterious interwebs because I do pelvic pain/TMS coaching and wondered where the heck you could get some of that, here is the answer to that question! 

I have been cooking up a little mind-body healing program for anyone with pelvic pain syndromes or...

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4 Steps to Handle No-Fun Moments (also known as discomfort)

Feb 09, 2021

I was driving, grumbling at traffic, when I heard extreme screaming from the backseat. 

Being a mom, I took this pretty much in stride and only almost rear-ended the car in front of me instead of actually crashing. 

Luckily, nobody was being murdered; my daughter had just spilled a...

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How to handle hard life changes and maintain well-being

Mar 30, 2020

We are experiencing so much sudden change in our lives right now, and that can be really startling for the nervous system. I have certainly felt my fight/flight/freeze response kick in repeatedly pretty much every day in the last few weeks.

This is the body’s natural, normal response...

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Want no-cost help with stress and fear as you navigate the current global challenges?

Mar 17, 2020

Do you want mental and emotional support as we navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic, the shutdowns, and the economic shifts?

My being and my business are feeling the call to serve at this time.

The mind-body tools I use with my clients are made for crises, and I am here to help you wade through...

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