
Help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective and mind-body healing tips for your well-being.

What Your Body is Really Telling You About Your Business

Jun 18, 2024

What if you have all the passion for your business and you’re scaling up as we speak, but DANG it’s exhausting and your body is taking the hit. Mind-body healing tools can radically change this experience for the better AND bring you more cash.

It seems like everyone is talking about...

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Emotions are the Key to Healing and Manifesting (how to overcome the bias against feeling them!)

May 21, 2024

Let’s talk about feeling emotions and why this is the #1 mind-body practice you need for yourself and your clients if you want to create physical and emotional well-being, connection to inner wisdom, and powerful manifesting. 

I completely disagree with many self-help practices around...

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Get to the Root of Your Clients' Challenges to Create Lasting Change

May 07, 2024

If you're intuitively wanting to take your clients deeper through their challenges to get to the root of the issues, but feel like you don't have a structure for how to do that... on! I'm going to share mine with you.

Using the mind-body connection to get to the root of issues is the...

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Discovering My Own Spiritual Support System

Mar 12, 2024

When I was in chronic, debilitating pain in my twenties, I looked to science for healing until I discovered that I had spiritual allies who could make everything faster and easier.

Don’t get me wrong; nervous system science, mind-body science, and psychological healing were all really...

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This Totally Sucked, Yet Saved My Life

Feb 06, 2024

A misconception many of my clients have about inner wisdom is that it will feel light and delightful to do whatever inner wisdom is telling you to do, and you’ll want to do it. This causes them to miss out on important inner wisdom-led action steps that can lead to the outcome they’re...

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Tired of Taking On Other Peoples' Energy and Struggling with Boundaries?

Dec 05, 2023

Recently I was talking with a woman who was registering for my group program and she said, “I’m just tired of the world of pressure and performance. My adrenals can’t take it. I’m also an empath and I’m taking on others’ energy when I really don’t want...

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Why Nervous System Regulation is Important (but perfection is not)

Nov 07, 2023

One big misconception about nervous system work that holds people back from healing physical symptoms and releasing anxiety and stress is the idea that your nervous system should be regulated all the time, and if it’s not, you’re doing something wrong.

Once we find out about nervous...

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Manifest Abundance When You Ask this Question Every Day

Oct 20, 2023

You hear a lot about mindset when it comes to manifesting, but if you’re not getting the results you want, it’s time to check in with your body. It will show you the needs you have that aren’t being met, and meeting those needs will fire up the engines again and create...

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Make Money While Laying Down... and Why That Works

Sep 26, 2023

If you want to make a certain level of income in your business and your natural way of working has been to push yourself too hard, your body is your biggest ally when it comes to shifting into working differently while still creating the income you desire.

If you’ve noticed your body mostly...

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What to do When Anxiety Strikes

Jul 20, 2023

If you're sometimes overcome by uncomfortable sensations such as anxiety or intense stress, and find that it stays with you for a really long time, I hope you'll love this post.

I'm going to talk about one aspect of how to create safety in your body rather than dissociating by scrolling through...

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How to Dial in Your Spiritually Aligned Niche to Attract More Clients

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