Mind-Body Business Coaching and Training
for Heart-Centered Coaches

Business Coaching and Training
for Heart-Centered Coaches

I’m here to help you use mind-body work for your personal healing journey, for scaling your business in a way that feels sustainable, and for empowering your clients with new healing practices in their lives.

You truly can restore your mind, body, and spirit while running a thriving business...

My team of Certified Master Mind-Body Magic Life Coaches and Energy Healers and I are passionate about helping women run thriving coaching businesses that feel 100% aligned with their spirits. 

We are all obsessed with using manifesting, the mind-body-spirit connection, and inner wisdom guidance to run our own businesses, as well as manage our personal lives. We love helping you do the same!

Speaking of which, we don’t really think it’s possible to separate your business from your life because coaching is a calling. It pulls your whole soul into your work, and it also changes how you live your life. 

That’s why every program we offer includes coaching and support for you as a whole person - not just as a business owner. 

My team of Certified Master Mind-Body Magic Life Coaches and Energy Healers and I are passionate about helping women run thriving coaching businesses that feel 100% aligned with their spirits. 

We are all obsessed with the mind-body-spirit connection and using inner wisdom guidance to run our own businesses, as well as manage our personal lives. We love helping you do the same!

Speaking of which, we don’t really think it’s possible to separate your business from your life because coaching is a calling. It pulls your whole soul into your work, and it also changes how you live your life. 

That’s why every program we offer includes coaching and support for you as a whole person - not just as a business owner.

We know you’re a heart-centered human, like we are, which means that you have passionate feelings about serving humanity, awakening consciously, helping others from a place of alignment and integrity, and using a mind-body-spirit focus in your work with clients. 

You also may have a sensitive body that is easily impacted by stress and can experience stress-induced illnesses, mind-body syndromes (also called TMS), and more. 

We’re here to support your business and your body so that you can manifest the thriving business you want while also healing and caring for your body. This is why we believe it should be possible to make six figures with your coaching business without ever having to hustle. 

Manifest more regular client sign-ups in a way that flows (aka, without the grind) so you can fulfill your calling in this world

Work into your first consistent $2-5K months in a way that feels aligned with manifesting instead of hustling so you can make a living as a coach 

Scale up from $2-5K months to six figures in a way that feels doable and energetically aligned, not overwhelming

Use mind-body manifesting practices to attract both clients and money

Create true time freedom and use mind-body practices to create well-being

Get out of the self-pressure cycle that perpetuates hustling and trust that you can make income when you follow your inner wisdom instead

Learn how to use mind-body coaching practices with your clients to get to the root of their issues and create lasting results around chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, and more


I opened my coaching business in 2008, originally as a coach who helped women heal chronic pelvic pain through mind-body healing techniques.

Having suffered through my early twenties with stress-induced pain syndromes, I had studied with mind-body healing experts, read every book in print on the topic (you think I jest, but…), and developed a deep understanding of mind-body science. 

More importantly, though, I really understood how to create mind-body healing through personal experience.

I created a mind-body healing system that restored my health based on neuroscience, nervous system science, spiritual consciousness practices, stress-relief practices to release self-pressure, mind-body syndrome (TMS) awareness, and divine feminine manifesting practices. I call this the Mind-Body Magic Method

After using this method to coach hundreds of women back to health, I started getting requests from clients and colleagues to create a coach training program so they could learn the method and how to coach from a mind-body focus. 

In 2010, I created the original Mind-Body Magic Life Coach Training Program and have now trained hundreds of coaches worldwide in the Mind-Body Magic Method (which is always updated with the latest mind-body science).

I’ve also become passionate about helping coaches run their businesses without falling prey to hustle culture and developed an entire business system that puts manifesting on autopilot and creates true time freedom.

This system, called the Slacker Magic System, is the reason I was able to grow my business to six figures while also parenting and maintaining my well-being.

I now teach both of these methods in my Mind Body & Business Magic program, where I also use my intuitive Celtic Seer process to see the money-making path for my coaches. 

My team of coaches, who have all trained with me in the Mind-Body Magic Method and Slacker Magic System, work inside my program as mentors, teachers, coaches, energy healers, and support staff to provide a supportive, kind, warm, and compassionate customer experience. 

Mind-Body Magic Blog

Check out the blog for help with making a living as a coach from a mind-body perspective, as well as mind-body healing tips for your well-being. 

The Sneaky Trap the Catches Intuitive, Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

Make More Money in Your Coaching Business by Slowing Down

Adding New Programs and Classes is Fun, but Could Limit Your Income

Mini Programs

Mind-Body Healing for Stress-Induced Illnesses including Pelvic Pain, TMS, and Chronic Syndromes


Learn four simple mind-body healing techniques that relieve pain, help you access your inner wisdom, go beyond the basic TMS protocols to make it easier to heal, and reconnect you to your spirit. 

Buy Now - $479

Slacker Magic 101


Learn the Slacker Magic basics, which are the foundation of the Slacker Magic System, so you can work without self-pressure and trust your inner wisdom guidance to help you get more done with less effort, in less time.

Buy Now - $250

Business and Coach Training

Learn the Mind-Body Magic Method for mind-body healing and mind-body-spirit alignment and become a certified life coach.

The Mind Body & Business Magic program is for coaches who feel that they’re not always getting to the root of clients’ problems or that they thought they addressed an issue but it’s right back in the next session.

They feel called to work beyond mindset with both themselves and their clients as a life coach, and incorporate an intuitive mind-body-spirit focus and energy healing approach into their work so that they can address more of their clients’ needs, support them on deeper levels and help clients solve their problems more efficiently and effectively.

(The program series is open to non-coaches as well who want to train from the ground up as a life coach with a mind-body focus.)

Along with that, you'll learn the Slacker Magic System for manifesting clients and money to scale your business without the hustle. 

The Mind Body & Business Magic program is for heart-centered coaches who would like to manifest more regular client sign-ups in a way that flows (aka, without hustling) so that they can fulfill their calling in this world.

Abigail guides you through this program with her intuitive Celtic Seer guidance, mind-body energy work, practical business coaching, and supportive healing energy work. 

Learn More

How to Have a Magically Abundant Business

4 Simple Steps to Restore your Energy and Manifest the Abundance You Want in Your Business Without Hustling or Running Yourself into the Ground

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