Forget “no pain, no gain.”
Join me for the FREE 7 Days of Slacker Magic™ mini-course.
Get things done with slacker magic instead of self-pressure.
After seven days of short daily videos, you'll be a slacker magician.
We protect your information and will never spam you.
Feel good AND be successful?
...Hit your goals without being hard on yourself...while feeling good in your body?
Culture teaches us to beat ourselves silly with self-pressure. But, how the heck are we supposed to be energized and creative that way? Or feel anything besides half-dead?
Yes, my inner critic can make me get sh*t done - for a price. Such as overwhelm, anxiety, illness, pain, and self-doubt.
So, forget this “no pain, no gain” pressure-cooker stuff.
Slacker Magic™ is my method for tackling life without feeling tackled by life. You'll be using the mind-body connection to navigate daily life.
Drop self-pressure and embrace the guidance from your intuitive inner wisdom instead.
BTW - If it sounds scary to stop pressuring - but you're having the half-dead feeling - you'll love the support you get in this mini-course.

Join 7 Days of Slacker Magic™ mini-course NOW!

You get . . .
- the 7 Days of Slacker Magic™ Mini-Course, LIVE, for your introduction to Slacker Magic...starting March 1, 2021.
- a short daily video to watch on your own time.
- a light-hearted assignment that will help you release self-pressure and kickstart your healing and magic! It will take less than 10 minutes.
- fun conversations in the Mind-Body Magic Facebook Group around the concepts you’re learning.
- to cheer each other on and ask me questions anytime throughout the week.
- two live Q&A sessions during the week so you can get coaching and support.
In 7 days, you'll:
Learn the Slacker Magic™ basics so that you can accomplish more and feel on top of your game without using self-pressure to get there.
Identify sneaky self-pressure before it stops you in your tracks and causes illness or pain.
Start healing stress-induced illness (and TMS or Mind-Body Syndrome).
Build confidence and self-trust so you can use magic instead of pressure to achieve your goals.
Meet your host, Abigail Morgan
After years of pressuring myself into exhaustion and illness (including pelvic TMS or MBS) I finally realized it wasn't working. I developed a series of mind-body tools that brought me back to well-being.
These became the tools I have used to help hundreds of clients find well-being again, too.
As a mind-body coach, I am helping bring an end to the era of self-pressure as a way of making progress.
Let's explore a new way of being - Slacker Magic™ - that allows you to trust your inner wisdom and natural rhythms, create from flow, and take delight in your feminine power and magic.
I use Slacker Magic™ to magically run my successful coaching business, maintain well-being, parent my 8-year-old, manage my household, and more.

Ditch self-pressure and start feeling better.
Join me for the FREE 7 Days of Slacker Magic™ mini-course.
Get things done with slacker magic instead of self-pressure.
After seven days of short daily videos, you'll be a slacker magician.
We protect your information and will never spam you.