$10,000.00 USD

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Mind-Body Magic Life Coach Training

In this program, you’ll learn my Mind-Body Magic Method™ and my hacks, strategies and tools for your own business so that you get to work in your calling, doing what you love, and make good money all while taking great care of you. You get to heal and nurture your own mind-body-spirit connection.


  • How to coach your clients using my Mind-Body Magic Method and teach them the techniques so that they can experience them in live coaching sessions with you and have instant shifts, fall in love with coaching with you, and sign up for more coaching.  
  • How to use my Mind-Body Magic Method in your own life to thrive as a coach, continue your own healing process, restore your health, and access your inner wisdom so that your coaching feels aligned and from your spirit, you can work without stressing your body and make a great income, and feel more energetic so you can take on the clients you want to serve.  
  • Why TMS, Mind-Body Syndrome, and stress-induced illness, and Shaman Sickness are all similar names for the struggles our bodies face from living in our toxic, high-pressure, success-driven, hustle culture and how to support yourself and your clients in a totally different way of working with the connection between the mind, body, emotions, and spirit to release pain syndromes and other symptoms that prevent you and your clients from feeling good.
  • The negative health effects of our cultural training to be hard on ourselves at all costs, people-please, and push ourselves to achieve goals while ignoring signals from the body and inner wisdom, overriding our own needs, and experiencing extreme stress and how to escape this toxic paradigm to regain control over your pain, your business, and your health and help YOUR clients do the same for THEIR health, spiritual connection, and joy in life. 
  • Exactly how to run a coaching session with a client using my Mind-Body Magic Method so you can be clear on how to help your clients with their physical and emotional struggles in a trauma-sensitive way that makes them feel safe, heard, and supported (without becoming energetically drained after each session yourself). 
  • How to support your clients’ nervous systems to help them release the fight, flight, freeze, or fawning response and create nervous system regulation so their bodies can naturally heal inflammation, balance hormonal processes again, and start to release chronic tension and pain. 
  • How to help your clients create energetic shifts in their energy systems to return to balance and heal physical and emotional issues.
  • How to help clients stop the habit of emotional suppression that may be inadvertently adding or creating additional chronic stress, tension, and pain in the body as a result. You’ll learn how to help them feel their emotions safely without being overwhelmed, “flooding,” or retraumatizing themselves accidentally as they work through past and current stressful experiences that are held in the body.  
  • How to combine your experiences with mind-body healing or TMS work, your own practices you’ve developed in your work, other resources from mind-body healing experts in the TMS or mind-body field, other life coaching tools, and my Mind-Body Magic Method to make your coaching practice unique and perfect for serving your specific clients so that you stand out in the industry and attract clients who resonate with your work (and are ready to pay you to help them!).  
  • How to use the Mind-Body Magic Method in a way that trickles into results in other areas of your life beyond pain relief, such as better access to inner wisdom for personal life struggles, building your business, improving relationships, handling parenting issues, improving body image, increasing creative flow, and more.

Past members are raving...

The training helped boost the quality of my personal mind-body connection, and strengthened my confidence and skill level in my professional role as a life coach specializing in mind and body issues. The tools and framework I learned from the training have been a backbone to my practice.

Marixi Salud

Mind-Body Magic Life Coach Training propelled me into a business that I love! Abigail helped me narrow down a niche based on my unique healing journey. Even when I had doubts, her insight bolstered my own inner wisdom. I felt like she really saw me. I'm now coaching and teaching full-time in a vocation that feels like it was waiting for me all along. I love helping people with chronic pain and fatigue recover their wellbeing and spirit!

Rebecca Tolin