$6,500.00 USD

You must enter your first AND LAST NAME in the form above to register for this program. 

There are NO REFUNDS for this course.

By registering for this course, you hereby agree to pay the entire cost of the training. Any premature termination of payment is grounds for legal collection.

All course members must sign a contract before starting the course. The contract will be emailed to you after purchase. Failure to sign the contract within 30 days of purchase will forfeit your right to work with Abigail and no refund will be issued.


Whereas the Consultant will teach the Client the Slacker Magic Manifesting System and the Mind-Body Magic Method techniques to help the client learn how to work in a way that reduces stress and creates inspiration, well-being, and inspiration as well as learn how to use mind-body tools and techniques for their own well-being. The Client also has the option to learn how to use the Mind-Body Magic Method with their clients and become certified through a separate certification process after the program ends. The Consultant and Team will also work with the client in group coaching calls to help them achieve their niche clarity and program design. 

Whereas the Client will compensate the Consultant for the services as advertised.

Whereas this agreement is binding.

Whereas the Client has the option to upgrade to further services for additional compensation.

Terms and Services:

  1. The Consultant will deliver the Slacker Magic Manifesting System, the Mind-Body Magic Method, and the coaching services described above to the Client. It is the Client's responsibility to build their own coaching practice and implement the processes in their business. The Consultant will consult with the Client via virtual question and answer group calls for the duration of the program and give supportive feedback. The Client will need to follow instructions in the program to be eligible for feedback on live calls. Not everyone receives live feedback and coaching on every call. 
  2. Compensation for the course is paid in full before program content is available.
  3. Celebrations may be shared outside the group as marketing testimonials without the Client's name or personal information included. The consultant will include the Client's name and personal information only after asking permission.
  4. The Consultant will deliver video modules through the membership website in which the Client can learn the Slacker Magic Manifesting System and the Mind-Body Magic Method. 
  5. The Consultant and her Team will lead eight group calls each month during the course with the exception of the months of August, June and December, which may have fewer calls.
  6. Posts for sharing, inspiration, and questions are allowed in the Facebook Group. No meltdown posts or extreme negativity is allowed. Failure to follow the Facebook Group guidelines of the course will result in immediate removal from the course with no refund.
  7. No refunds are available for this program. 
  8. The Client will have access to the live course calls and the Facebook Group for 12 weeks starting on the date of purchase or the agreed upon start date. 
  9. The Consultant has the right to remove the Client from the program at any time based on the Consultant’s' discretion due to the Client's failure to comply with the terms of this Contract or due to negative or disruptive behavior of any kind. The Client will lose access to all content, modules, and calls with no refunds if removed.
  10. The Consultant reserves the right to change, alter, or update the program to create the most valuable experience possible at any time while the program is running.
  11. The Consultant reserves the right to remove the Client from the course if the Client chooses to attack, criticize, threaten, or negatively contact another participant in the Course.
  12. The Client agrees to abide by the ethical practices taught in the program and ethical code for mind-body life coaches as presented in the certification documents in order to become or remain certified.
  13. The Client understands that the life coaching industry is unregulated and that certification is not regulated by a governing body. Certification is meant to provide clients with the understanding that their coach has learned these materials thoroughly and completely, and that is the extent of the power of the certification process.

Copyright, Intellectual Property, and Non-Disclosure

  1. The written and recorded materials and methods in this course are the property of Abigail Morgan and may not be used in any form outside of the course other than for the Client's personal use in their business. The Client may share the materials and techniques for the Mind-Body Magic Method with their clients and teach them how to use the tools in their own lives. The Client may use the techniques in live workshops or programs as long as credit is given. The Client may create their own coaching tools, however, if they include aspects of the techniques learned in this training, credit must be given. (Written if on paper, aural if in a presentation.) The Client may not present, share, or teach the materials as if they are their own at any time in any situation, including in social media posts for their business. any of the techniques or concepts are shared in marketing materials for their business, the Client will credit Abigail Morgan in writing. The Client may not teach the Slacker Magic System to their clients or use it in workshops, promotional content, or any use other than inside their own business processes.  
  2. The Client will not share any call recordings outside of the course, nor will they share any coaching details from any participant outside of the course with any other party.
  3. The Consultant will not share call recordings outside of the course, nor will she share any coaching details, other than anonymous summaries of Client experiences, from any participant outside of the course with any other party.
  4. Should any of these terms around copyright, intellectual property, and non-disclosure be violated, the Consultant retains the right to use the legal process to address this contract violation and will require compensation for legal services.

Liability Waiver

  1. This course is not a replacement for medical, therapy, or legal advice. Abigail Morgan is not a medical professional or therapist and will not be giving medical advice outside the scope of mind-body practices for improving natural wellness. This is not a replacement for any medical services, prescriptions, therapies, or other support.
  2. The Consultant is not liable for advice given, money invested, content created, or any lack of results implementing the business strategies, Slacker Magic System, or Mind-Body Magic Method. Clients are advised to use their best judgment. The Consultant is not liable for lack of results in poor implementation of these strategies.
  3. There are no guarantees of results in this course. The course can only teach principles and give feedback. It is up to the Client to create their own business success. Failure to follow through on the content of the program is the responsibility of the Client.
  4. With healing, mindset, business strategy and consultation, and manifestation work, it is the clients responsibility to seek professional support, trauma support, or mental health care should they become triggered or unstable while working through this course. The Consultant is not a medical professional, doctor, lawyer, or therapist nor can she give medical or mental health advice outside of general mind-body wellness practices. The Client agrees to seek these services outside of this program to support themselves. In addition, meltdowns and freakouts are not allowed in the group calls, facebook group, or any group environment. A 60 second summary may be sent to Abigail Morgan via email or  Facebook Messenger to see if the situation can be coached through on a live call or needs to be referred outside of the program for professional help if there is any question. Only if Abigail Morgan agrees to coaching will this topic be allowed to be discussed in a group setting and only as long as it is coachable. At any time she may stop the coaching and refer you to seek outside professional help. The course does not have the capacity to address mental health concerns, meltdowns, or big triggers safely as it is a group setting. Feeling emotions briefly on the calls is appropriate, but meltdowns or extreme negativity are not.
  1. Client agrees to not attack or criticize Abigail Morgan, The Healthy Life, LLC (DBA Anamsong), or any employee/contractor publicly (social networks, groups, blogs, private groups) or with other participants current or future in the course at any time during or subsequent to the contract period. If this happens, the Consultant will take legal action. The Consultant agrees to receive feedback and discuss any issues with the Client directly and will make every effort to resolve them with kindness, respect, and openness. All concerns should be brought directly to the Consultant.


Due to the rapidly changing coaching industry, the Consultant reserves the right to update this agreement and both parties will sign the new contract.

Should either party violate the terms of or fail to meet the obligations set forth in this contract, such action will render the opposing party free from any further contractual obligation. 

Legal issues that arise will be dealt with according to Colorado law and will be mediated, arbitrated, or brought to action in Colorado. 

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The Divine Business Grove

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In The Divine Business Grove, we'll work together for 12 weeks on the following:

  • Ending all confusion about who you work with, what problem you solve for your clients, and your unique way of solving that problem so that you can clearly articulate your niche and your superpower both to yourself and your clients in your messaging.
  • Designing the perfect signature program for your business (or updating a program you already have) so that the content aligns with what we identified as your unique work in this world.
  • Creating a content plan for how to talk about your work and how you help people, including what kinds of content to put on social media - and how to use social media as an effective tool without it taking over your life.
  • Approaching your business from a powerful manifesting mindset and daily manifesting practice that I’ve used to create well over $250K years regularly in my business. 

In this program, you get:

  • My Slacker Magic Manifesting System for manifesting clients and income
  • 8 Zoom calls with me and my team/month for access to all the support you need with your strategy
  • My Celtic Seer intuitive guidance
  • Access to short training videos that take you through all the Slacker Magic Manifesting System Steps
  • A Facebook Group where you have weekly “homework” that makes it impossible NOT to manifest results in your business!
  • Templates for every step of the process
  • All my exact divine energetic alignment techniques for manifesting
  • A sacred, peaceful space where you can come together with others to learn, share and grow your business in harmony with divine principles and guidance.
  • My Mind-Body Magic Method for Healing, which you can use to increase your own well-being, gain more energy, and help your nervous system regulate daily while you work on your business

This program serves seasoned coaches who are wildly excited to uplevel their business without running their bodies into the ground, or coaches who have felt frustrated at the lack of niche clarity over the years and really want to see their business attract the type and numbers of clients they truly desire. It also serves coaches who are newer to the business but highly motivated to reach their abundance goals as quickly as possible.

What People Are Saying:

I don't even recognize myself anymore! I was SO ambivalent about my coaching business; I just couldn't go all-in. Throughout this experience, I've built something REAL, and it's making me money! Just the way you said it would, without hustling. This has been everything I needed and so worth the investment!

Jen M.

Yesss! This is the absolute BEST person healing + business program I have ever been in. Seriously, one-stop shop. I am literally manifesting so many miracles in my life and business. You are literally my magical fairy mind-body coach... every type of coach I ever needed all in one. Even in a group setting, I feel so seen, heard, and fully supported. I finally feel like I have everything I need to grow a financially and spiritually abundant business without burning myself out or wearing my body down.

Tiffany W.

For the first time since I started my business in 2019, I have a full practice of private clients - and I have 2 more intro sessions this week. My conversion rate since mid-December has been 100%!

Beth P.